The Journey to Myself

Throughout our life, we occasionally face some turning points, life-altering events that raise a stop sign that indicates us to rethink about our life, check within ourselves whether we live the life we wanted, or is it time to set new goals and renew our vows to ourselves?

Life seems to be a journey and unlike Dora, I don't usually carry a map with me. I took the first step years ago and didn't set new goals for ages.
In the past, whenever I faced those turning points, I behaved like the three monkeys - 🙈🙉🙊
and stayed in my comfort zone untill I felt  safe again.
Are you familiar with this situation? Have you ever faced those little tiny cracks that shwoed up during the years in your soul? Did you tell yourself some cover stories to get some peace and quiet?
Well, I did. I did it for years. I chose the least resistance path.
Four years ago I have reached the point where there was no escape door. I stood infront of a huge "stop" sign which force me to make some critical decisions about my lifestyle.
I had to answer questions such as ; Am I a good enough person to myself ? Am I the kind and pleasant  person  I wanted to be? Where, along the way, I've lost the compass that should guide me? And most importantaly, why?
Answering those tough question is a fascinating and frightening journey at the same time. At the moment, as I'm doing my first steps on my new route, though I didn't answer many of the questions that was poping up  my mind ,  I did discover some very intresting things about myself and about the new goals I would like to set, so my life will be my choice and not a results of accidental circumstances.


  1. The topic is very interesting. The journey to ourselves is endless.

  2. Some important points in everyone's life - be proud of yourself - understanding and facing situations in daily life are taking energy and our mind is occupied 24/7

    I'm sure your'e in the right track
